Research interests of my laboratory include; ecology and physiology of zooplankton, behavioral zoology, predator-prey interations, larviculture of marine fish, and aquatic toxicology. My laboratory team is currently investigating the behavioral, physiological and molecular responses of rotifers, Artemia, cladocerans, copepods and fish larvae to environmental factors including anthropogenic stress. We are also trying to use our basic investigations to facilitate aquaculture industry, as well as conservation and restoration of coastal environment and biological resources. We have been active in building an international research network, as well as with regional technology transfer both in Japan and abroad.

What's new?

May 27, 2016 Renew English page
July 5, 2016     Renew publication list
September 24, 2017  New book "Rotifers: Aquaculture, Ecology, Gerontology, and Ecophysiology" edited by Atsushi Hagiwara and Tatsuki Yoshinaga has been published from Springer Nature.     Click here for more information.